General (Advanced LTE FDD Downlink)

The General table in the downlink carrier node enables you to turn the downlink carrier on and off, select a saved channel configuration, and view the length of the generated waveform.

Additional parameter setup tables for the downlink carrier are described in Baseband (Advanced LTE FDD Downlink) and Fading (Advanced LTE FDD Downlink).


Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the carrier off or on.

Channel Configuration

Select a channel configuration with the desired modulation type, bandwidth, and number of resource blocks (RB) from the Closeddrop-down menu.

The User Defined setting is not selectable until certain parameters are changed, then User Defined is automatically set by the software.

Waveform Generation Length

Range: 10 to 10240 ms

Default: 40 ms

Enter a value in milliseconds for Waveform Generation Length. Total Sample Points is based on the selected Waveform Generation Length and Oversampling Ratio as shown below:

Total Sample Points = Base Sampling Rate (MHz) × Oversampling Ratio × 1000 × Waveform Generation Length (ms)

If the Waveform Generation Length parameter is set to >16 frames, only a single carrier is available.

UI parameter couplings:

If the Waveform Generation Length parameter is set less than the Transmission Configuration Length, the value of Transmission Configuration Length is changed to be ≤Waveform Generation Length. In summary, the relation between Transmission Configuration Length and Waveform Generation Length is that the Transmission Configuration Length ≤Waveform Generation Length. (For more information on the Transmission Configuration Length parameter refer to the Channel Setups Advanced LTE FDD UL and DL topics.)

Continuous Sequence:

While the long waveform is playing, the following signal or data values are generated sequentially.


Figure 1 shows the generic frame structure.

Figure 1. Generic radio frame structure